Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Virtual Crap

Someone mentioned the idea that Myspace will soon faze out and people will migrate to the next "thing", sparked many thoughts in my mind. I totally agree with that because I have moved on from Myspace for reasons discussed in class today. It started out with simple advertisement every time I have log in. Then it morphed into a page full of advertisement which then bled onto my profile page. Soon somehow people were hacking my friend's page so that they can spam my page about pills that would enlarge my penis...which reminds me of this:

It's a skit from the Chappelle Show on Comedy Central on his view of the internet.

Looking pass the humor and sexual connotation,I do see the point in Dave Chappelle's skit; that the internet is like the wild west where anything goes. This idea lead me to think that the internet is shifting and changing all the time, like an organism which adapts to the human behavior. People get bored and move on to what's new, or in my case, I found Myspace to not be my space but rather their space to bombard me with virtual crap.

Virtual crap should be an internet term if it isn't one already. I say "crap" for the lack of a better word, because we all know that the internet can be a very dirty place. I like the show "To Catch a Predator",with Chris Hansen, because it shows a how the internet gave pedophiles a new hunting ground, they no long have to drive around in utility vans with signs that read "Free Candy" on the side.

Needless to say, I am not, by far, a hater of the internet. I love it! It provides me with constant entertainment and instant gratification when it comes to learning about a subject. It makes homework (this blogg) feels not like homework.

I am still in shock that this is homework, my mind has registered it just yet. By making us Blogg instead of writing actual papers, I find myself constantly pondering and wonder about every I see now. So in actuality, I am actually doing more work then I would have ever done if this was a generic English course. I started this Blogg last night, but since I didn't want to write just to write, I stopped, and continuing an hour before the assignment is due. I need to find a better way to organize my ideas because I have too many thoughts going at once and I lose most of it when it comes time to write it down and it seems like I don't write down much. I think ill end it here since I'm starting to babble.


kellyk2 said...


I really enjoyed your post. I thought that the Dave Chappelle clip was cleverly intertwined in your blog, it illustrated the argument of your writing nicely.

I have always been skeptical of the the large opportunities that the internet provides. While I do think that the internet has opened many positive doors for our world ( I am a huge fan of the knowledge-at-my-fingertips feature that the web provides), I agree that it is a huge space that can be filled with lurking danger. Remember "cybering" over instant messaging?? I remember when I was 13 and a 40-year old man asked if I wanted to have "cyber sex". I was so disgusted but I never reported him or told my parents because I was too afraid of getting in trouble for talking with strangers. I think this is why I like the show To Catch a Predator so much so I was excited that you brought that show up in your post. Some people might argue that that situation occurred due to lack of parental control, but with all of the pop-up advertisements and flooding of spam mail, people can be put in to dangerous or inappropriate situations with out ever entering a chat room; I really like your line, "I found MySpace to not be my space but rather their space to bombard me with virtual crap". One time I was doing a science report on farm animals so I typed "farm animals" into the search engine and within the first five websites that the engine produced was a porn site featuring farm really Google?? I do not know squat about computers but isn't there a better filtering system? I guess not if the price is right...

I also agree that it is hard to consider blogging homework. I was a little skeptical of this format at first, but now I am beginning to enjoy it. There is just something so daunting about having to write a paper in Word Document, I find that that program stifles my creativity.

Good work,
Kelly Krause

Between Paper and Machine said...

Kelly’s response to your post is excellent. She picks up on the very points that interested me as well. I, too, think your sentence about how “MySpace” became everything but “your” space is really smart; I wanted you to take this a step further and analyze the title more carefully. How has a network that exists for displaying one’s identity actually become a medium for something else? I also want you to deal more directly with your title “virtual crap.” In what ways are you using the term “virtual”? Do you mean to suggest that the Internet is almost crap? Be careful with your use of these keywords, which is to say, make it clear to the reader what you mean by “virtual.” Finally, I am interested to read about the process of writing in a blog medium. In some ways, it may be easier to compose certain ideas in a small box instead of a Word document, as Kelly suggests, and in others, organization becomes a challenge. Perhaps on the Internet, we are trained to think broadly instead of deeply and our thoughts become a bit more scattered than if we sit down and compose a paper in Word. On that note, I challenge you to keep your posts organized and focused.

OneNation said...

This... is deep... I like.