Monday, August 4, 2008

It is what it is.

I was cursed from the start. Fourth grade is where I fell off grammar wagon due to my not so friendly teacher. Also ironic, her name was Mrs. Friend and she branded me with hatred for the language of which I still bare the scars today.

So what did she do to me? It was more of what she didn't do, she didn't teach it correctly as most teachers would, she enforced it upon the class and I as a form of punishment. If we were behaving badly, read and do an assignment from the grammar book. If we talked during silent reading time, another assignment. If we did not stand in line correctly, hit the books. I felt like I was at a daycare more so then a school during those time.

Blogging however opened up a new way for my mind to speak. It started in middle school when my father decided it was time for my family to be connected with the world through the world wide web. Xanga was my first and only blog site. I can't remember why I did it, maybe because all my friends started doing it and I at that age wanted to be tech-savvy also.

At first I blogged about what I did today, a daily journal. Then it grew to what I'm thinking about the universe. As my HTML skills advances, pictures, and colors, and random stuff I found on the internet. That was pretty much it, I never really did open up to my true-self because I know my friends are reading this and somethings one just want to keep to themselves. Then one day I just stop totally and never looked back.

To sum things up. I am horrible with language in general. I advanced in every other subject in school except for English. To be honest, it scares me for some reason because I don't find joy in writing was much as I know I should. Maybe after this class I will find peace and feel pleasure instead of punishment.

1 comment:

Between Paper and Machine said...

Hung, I appreciate the way you narrate Mrs. Friend's (really?) disciplinary tactics; you've created a nice, detailed visual of a fourth grade grammar trauma! You can count on not rehearsing those moments in this class for sure and more importantly, I do hope you'll relocate your relationship to blogging. Your experience and comfort level with this medium can serve as a model for me and other students who are less familiar with this technology.