Saturday, September 13, 2008

You can't swim if you've never been in the water.

Would it be sad to say that I have never written for the sake of writing in any of my previous English class? Language is such a beautiful thing, however, I can not seem to find an interest in the subject. Maybe it was ruined for me and an early age by the people who created all the rules and restrictions, like why can I not say, "That hurted!" it feels right, right?

What I am trying to say here is that no one has ever showed me how words came to be, but instead, just gave me a book and told me this is what it is. My high school English teacher bragged about her expensive education at Duke and mention how she feels like the younger generation is losing the proper way to write and talk. I sat there thinking that she over paid then if that was what they taught her at Duke. In one of my art history class, they talked about how fashion style used to trickle down from the elite to the lower couple of hundred of years ago but now it is kind of opposite in some cases because we see underground street fashion influencing higher end fashion design. Is language the same way as that also?

Where I am going with this is that I learn a lot in this class. This was why I went to college, to expand my mind in ways a book cannot. I like the fact that there were no "busy work" also,thank you for that. The funny thing was I though this class was going to be very easy because there is no paper work, no in class assignment, nothing to turn in. However, I soon found out that it required a heavy amount of brain juice to lubricate the area of the brain where it had not function in a while. In the latter post, I am aware of an audience,I analyze pass the meaning on to forms,I am more aware of the media, over all coming out of this course I feel like I am more empowered. Instead of skimming the surface, this course encouraged me to dive straight into the deep end where at first things were a bit disoriented but I soon caught on and hopefully, like learning to swim, this will save my life one day (well...not literaly, but I hope you get the point.)


That is the line of no return, I am moving on now to different things. Will I ever post again? I really don not know. My room just got a little more quieter. I can hear my pet bird chomping away at his seeds. It is about 11:30 am, just around the time class would have ended. If I ever find myself brain dead stuck in some cubical one day. Hopefully I will remember this page and visit it again.

Thanks Kara and the UWP 1 -21 class.

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